Aqua+clinical ultra delicate shampoo frequent washes 200 m


Special Price €15.84 Regular Price €16.00 Save... €0.16 -1%
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Terme di Comano Aqua+ Clinical Shampoo Ultra Delicato Lavaggi Frequenti 200ml

Che cosa è?

Specifica formulazione ad elevata dermoaffinità, per un lavaggio delicato di capelli e cuoio capelluto. La sinergia tra tensioattivi di origine vegetale e principi attivi, deterge dolcemente e favorisce l'attenuazione delle manifestazioni irritative (dermatiti, forfora, prurito), ripristinando le ottimali condizioni di equilibrio ed esercitando una funzione restitutiva che dona resistenza e sofficità. Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili. Nickel tested.

Come si usa?

Applicare sul cuoio capelluto e massaggiare con movimenti circolari emulsionando con acqua. Sciacquare con abbondante acqua tiepida.


Tubetto da 200 ml.

Destination Cost Detail
Italy €5,90* 24/72H
Austria, France, Germany, Slovenia € 13* 3 days
Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Netherlands, Spain € 14* 4 days
Bulgary, Cechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia € 19* 5 days
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia ,Sweden € 22* 5 days
United Kingdom, Switzerland, Greece € 30* 7 days
Canada, USA € 40 7 Days

National shipments with express courier: TNT, GLS
European shipments with express courier: FedEx, MBE, DHL
*For the shipment outside band B ther's an extra cost of 22€
*For the shipment outside band C ther's an extra cost of 30€
Delivery Times exclude Saturday and Holidays
For Islands and Areas of difficult Accessibility the shipments are made in 72 hours and the cost will be increased by 15€
The images of the products shown on our site are purely indicative and may differ in shape, color, text and packaging shown on them. Given the difficulty of updating all the products on our site in real time or any errors,, all products will be identified through SKU MINSAN (code of the Ministry of Health).
The transport of medicines sold online is carried out in compliance with the guidelines on good distribution practice according to Article 112-quater, paragraph 10. (Italy)