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According to the canons of homeopathy, the product is mainly used:
Gastrointestinal system: duodenal and parapiloric ulcer. Acute and chronic gastroduodenitis. Recurrent ulcerative and non-ulcerative gastritis. Belching, flatulence, bloating. Gastro-cardiac syndrome.
The preparation acts, also through the central nervous system, on the gastric mucosa and on the gastric secretory function with the following symptoms of the individual components:
Anacardium: heartburn that subsides with meals. Gastric pain at night. Psychic irritability and impetuosity of mood even for futile reasons.
Argentum nitricum: localized gastric pain. Noisy belching that gives relief to the subject. Arsenicum album: heartburn associated with vomiting. Remedy for mucous membranes.
Belladonna: hypersensitivity of the gastric region to pressure and vibrations. Gastritis. Carbo vegetabilis: sensation of abdominal weight with asthenia and exhaustion.
Chamomilla: neuropsychic hypersensitivity and short temper. Gastric swelling.
Chelidonium: action on the liver and biliary tract in the choleretic sense. The subject experiences a postprandial improvement of gastric symptoms.
Lycopodium: feeling of abdominal weight, bitter taste in the mouth, bloating, constipation.
Nux vomica: gastralgia, digestive insufficiency, digestive disturbances caused by nicotine abuse. Marked neuropsychic erethism with hypochondriac ideas.
Scrophularia nodosa: abdominal spasms, hyperchlorhydria. The subject feels improvement after meals.
ASSOCIATION Associate with R5, in case of:
Gastritis with asthenia and loss of appetite: R31
Gastritis with hepatic dyspepsia: R7
Gastritis with chronic pancreatitis: R72
Gastritis with abdominal spasms: R37
Gastritis with vomiting: R52
Smoking gastritis: R77
Flu gastritis: R6
Nerve-based gastritis: R47
Gastroenterocolitis: R4
Gastro-cardiac syndrome: R2
Destination | Cost | Detail |
Italy | €5,90* | 24/72H |
Austria, France, Germany, Slovenia | € 13* | 3 days |
Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Netherlands, Spain | € 14* | 4 days |
Bulgary, Cechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia | € 19* | 5 days |
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia ,Sweden | € 22* | 5 days |
United Kingdom, Switzerland, Greece | € 30* | 7 days |
Canada, USA | € 40 | 7 Days |