Bayer Solfacgel Cockroaches Bait Insecticide 5g

Bayer Solfacgel Cockroaches Bait Insecticide 5g


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insecticide against cockroaches with priming action. Indicated for the control of cockroaches in structures such as: Kitchens, Bathrooms, Hospitals, Food Industries, Restaurants, Hotels, Warehouses, Schools, Nurseries, Offices, etc ..., or in domestic premises.

Dosage and method of use:
cut the tip of the applicator nozzle, then dose in drops according to the degree of infestation:
1-2 drops / m2: for high infestations. A drop of gel of about 5 mm in diameter is equal to about 0.1 g.

check regularly for the presence of product and reapply if necessary when the gel has run out. Do not place the product in areas subject to frequent washing. Do not apply the product in areas recently treated with insecticides. Do not apply insecticides on the treated areas.

particularly palatable and attractive bait. The effect of Solfac Gel Cockroaches arises a few hours after ingestion by insects. The drops are particularly effective when applied near or inside crevices, hidden places, in corners, and in general in places where cockroaches hide. It has a neutral smell and color and shows exceptional adhesion to surfaces, allowing it to be used in difficult points. The treatment with Solfac Gel Cockroaches does not require special preliminary preparations, therefore normal work activities can continue during the application and it does not require people to leave the affected area.

100 gr. of Solfac Gel Cockroaches contain:
Active ingredient: Imidacloprid (NTN) 2.15 g;
Coformulants to taste at 100 g.

Format: 20 gr.

Cod. 03008480
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