Antipiojos isdin gel eliminates lice and nits 100 ml

Antipiojos isdin gel eliminates lice and nits 100 ml


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Lice. Those little ones
that we carry on our heads A problem that goes beyond school

Lice infestation and contagion are very common during the school year and when camping. It normally affects between 10% and 20% and can reach 50%, generating a problem in the school-age population and, in some cases, generating a social problem in schools and in the homes of many families.

Get them out of your head ... in 1 application
In just 10 minutes. With maximum effectiveness Natural and effective treatment against lice and nits

AntiPiojos ISDIN is a pediculocide treatment, with a pleasant gel-shampoo texture that definitively eliminates lice and nits. It is easy and comfortable to use and is formulated with Neemtech, a natural active ingredient.

AntiPiojos ISDIN Gel Pediculicide

Very comfortable
and easy to use! In 2 steps, guaranteed effectiveness

Correct application is key to successful treatment. Not applying the product correctly is one of the main causes of treatment failure.

1. Apply to dry hair

Apply and massage the hair with the product for 10 minutes. Use enough quantity to ensure that the entire surface of the scalp and all hair are well covered.

2. Rinse with warm water

After the application time (10 minutes), rinse the hair with plenty of warm water.

Natural treatment
Formulated with Neemtech The gel-shampoo texture leaves the hair perfect


AntiPiojos ISDIN is a product ideally designed for children, and also for adults. For this it has been formulated with natural active, the extract of the seeds of the Neem tree, through a patented extraction method.


Its gel-shampoo texture, combined with its excipients that give excellent cosmetic properties, allow the hair to be perfect after treatment and no further use of a shampoo is necessary.

How it works
AntiPiojos ISDIN?

AntiPiojos ISDIN has been clinically tested under the conditions of use. It covers, immobilizes and suffocates lice, which die of asphyxiation and dehydration. Furthermore, it penetrates the respiratory orifices and destroys the nits with a physical mechanism of action that avoids resistance.

You know everything
about lice?

How can you know
if a child has lice?

The first sign is persistent and persistent scratching and her constant complaints about how much itching in her head. Confirmation of the diagnosis occurs when, upon inspection of the head, lice and nits are discovered.

More lice are found
in boys or girls?

Although there is no evidence that girls 'hair attracts more lice than boys', it is true that a greater prevalence of contagion and infestation is in girls. It may be due to the fact that girls, at any age, have more direct contact between hair and hair, sharing objects such as headbands, headbands, combs, hair bands.

Does the child have to stay home from school in case of head lice?

No. There is no reason why the child cannot attend school if he has lice. After successfully completing the treatment, the child can go back to school. Yes, however, it is important that parents inform the school of their child's case to prevent further infestations.

Do head lice affect children and adults?

Due to their habits and daily activities, adults are not as easily infested with head lice. However, there are cases of infestation on the head, eyebrows, eyelashes and beard.

Can head lice be prevented?

To avoid lice infestation, active monitoring of the heads of children should be carried out. It is important, especially when you know there is an outbreak at school, to inspect the head thoroughly, using a fine-toothed comb if possible.

Should I treat my pets when there is a case of head lice in the house?

No. Head lice don't live on pets. It is very difficult and clearly exceptional to contagion through pets.

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